September 29, 2024

PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

Import Limit Manual Changes Clear Planning Committee
The Planning Committee last week endorsed manual changes implementing PJM’s new capacity import limits.
Consensus Still Elusive on Auction Arbitrage Fix
Time is growing short for PJM stakeholders working towards consensus to address auction arbitrage and ban capacity market speculation before May’s auction.
Manual Changes
PJM Members endorsed the changes to manuals 3A, 14A and 28.
Manual Changes
The Operating Committee last week endorsed changes to Manuals 3A and 13 while the Market Implementation Committee endorsed revisions to Manual 28.
Manual Changes Endorsed by MRC
The following PJM manual changes were endorsed by the Markets and Reliability Committee on Nov. 21.
Arbitrage Fix Returned to Committee
Lacking consensus, PJM dropped plans for a vote on measures to prevent speculation in the capacity auctions, returning the issue to a lower committee.
Members Deadlock on DR in Capacity Auctions
The PJM Board of Managers may seek FERC approval for a staff proposal to change the way demand response clears in capacity auctions despite stakeholders’ rejection of the plan.
PJM Wins One, Loses One on Capacity Market Changes
Members approved PJM’s methodology for limiting capacity imports but soundly rejected the RTO’s proposal to change the way DR clears in the capacity market.
PC OKs Move to Flag Transmission Upgrades Earlier
The Planning Committee approved a manual change that will result in PJM identifying potential transmission upgrade requirements earlier in the study process.
PJM to Order Temperature Adjustments on Steam Units
PJM will require all steam generators to adjust their capacity ratings based on summer peak load conditions under manual changes outlined to the PC and MIC last week.

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