September 29, 2024

PJM Other Committees & Taskforces

Manual Changes Approved by Operating Committee on June 4, 2013
The PJM Operating Committee Tuesday approved changes to manuals 14 and 36. The changes go next to the Markets and Reliability Committee for final approval.
Manual Changes Approved by Planning Committee on June 6, 2013
The PJM Planning Committee Thursday approved changes to Manual 19: Load Forecasting and Analysis. The changes go next to the MRC.
Manual Changes Approved by the Market Implementation Committee on June 5, 2013
The PJM MIC approved changes on 6/5/2013 to Manual 11 affecting regulation rules, hydropower generators, station manning and shortage pricing.
Industrials Call for Transparency in Transmission Owner Calculations
Two-thirds of PJM’s transmission owners have failed to file FERC-approved tariffs disclosing the methodology they use to calculate customer rates ...
Manual Changes Approved on May 30 at the PJM MRC
The Markets and Reliability Committee gave final approvals to the following manual revisions at their meeting this past Thursday, May 30, 2013.
PJM Seeks OK to Suspend Day-Ahead Market After Internet Outage
PJM will seek stakeholder approval this month for contingency plans to respond to an Internet outage that forces the RTO to suspend the day-ahead market.
MRC Approvals 5/30/13: PMU Costs, CFTC Order, UTC Credit
Below is a summary of problem statements and manual, Operating Agreement and Tariff changes approved by the PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC).
FERC Orders Rules on Geomagnetic Disturbances
FERC Said that the electric transmission system needs more protections against geomagnetic disturbances like the 1989 solar storm that caused the collapse of the Hydro-Quebec grid.
Members Committee Approvals
The PJM Members Committee approved the following changes by acclimation at its annual meeting on May 16, 2013.
Manual Changes
The Operating Committee approved changes to the following two manuals on May 7. Manual 03: Transmission Operations Reason for changes: Semi-annual update. I...

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