October 5, 2024
        1. Subscription Plans:
          • Individuals may register to read 2 articles each month on any of our media channels (for a total of six articles per month) by selecting the “Limited Views” option and providing the requested information and agreeing to receive at least one channel email of their choice.
          • Individuals may sign up for free, no-obligation trial subscriptions for RTO Insider and NetZero Insider (lasting for 14 days) or ERO Insider (lasting for one month) by selecting any of the trial options and providing the requested information. Individuals are allowed one trial of each publication.
          • Individuals may purchase paid subscriptions to RTO Insider (Newsletter PDF Only – which includes permission to read up to 10 individual articles at https://rtoinsider.com each month or Newsletter PDF Plus Web – which includes unlimited access to the site). Both RTO Insider plans also include access to our weekly newsletter, which wraps up all the news from the previous week into a pdf. They can also subscribe to ERO Insider or NetZero Insider (unlimited access to each channel’s content) or to any combination of unlimited access plans (RTO Insider PDF-Only plans cannot be combined). All subscription purchases also require providing specific information at checkout or during the desired purchase process.
          • ALL plans are intended for use by one individual. We offer discounts to companies that purchase multiple plans for their employees as well as site licenses. All subscribers agree to have their access monitored to ensure adherence to the terms of this agreement.
          • ALL plans require the subscribing individual to provide a valid email address that identifies the recipient by name (not role), a company name, a job title and a telephone number through which the subscriber can be reached directly.
        2. Term & Termination
          • The Term of this Agreement shall commence and be effective from the date the subscription starts and/or the date stated on the invoice for the paid plan (“Subscription Start”) until the subscriber unsubscribes, the plan expires, or the date also stated on the invoice for the paid plan (“Subscription Expire”).
          • Subscriber(s) may terminate this Agreement or any Order under this Agreement for its convenience, without cause, at any time without further charge or expense upon at least forty-five (45) calendar days prior written notice to Vendor. However, subscriber(s) will be responsible for paying RTO Insider all remaining fees due under the Agreement.
          • In addition to any other remedies available to either Party, upon the occurrence of a Termination Event (as defined below) with respect to either Party, the other Party may immediately terminate this Agreement or the Order that is subject of the Termination Event by providing written notice of termination. A “Termination Event” shall have occurred if: (a) a Party materially breaches its obligations under this Agreement or an Order under this Agreement, and the breach is not cured within thirty (30) calendar days after written notice of the breach and intent to terminate is provided by the other Party; or (b) a Party becomes generally unable to pay its debts as they become due or the subject of a bankruptcy, conservatorship, receivership or similar proceeding, or makes a general assignment for the benefit of its creditors.
          • The rights and obligations of the Parties which by their nature must survive termination or expiration of this Agreement in order to achieve its fundamental purposes shall survive in perpetuity any termination of this Agreement.
        3. Licensed Materials
          • Licensed Materials (including, but not limited to, text, photographs, graphics, video and audio content) are protected by the copyright laws of the United States.
          • Licensee acknowledges and agrees that RTO Insider remains the sole owner of the Licensed Materials, any modifications, adaptations and copies thereof, and any and all intellectual property rights therein.
          • Licensee acquires only a right to use the Licensed Materials as authorized herein. Except as provided herein, Licensee shall not obtain, have or retain any right, title, or interest in or to the Licensed Materials or any part thereof.
          • Licensee acknowledges and agrees that RTO Insider LLC shall retain the right to store and use registration, other individual user data, or system configuration information used to access the Licensed Materials, and any other data, information, intellectual property or database created or obtained in relation thereto (including without limitation traffic statistics and “clickstream” data). This data shall not include information specific to individual employees. For additional information, please see our Privacy Policy.
        4. Authorized Uses
          • Licensee may:
            • Access the Licensed Materials via personal computer, tablet or smartphone on up to four devices.
            • Print a hard copy of individual articles or newsletters for Licensee’s own use.
            • Share links to stories with colleagues (individual content links are provided along with the newsletter pdf when we publish).
            • Order reprints, which are available for $400 per article.
        1. Prohibitions
          • Licensee may not:
            • Copy, reproduce, modify, distribute, display, use or disclose the Licensed Materials in any manner not expressly authorized herein.
            • Permit or enable access to the Licensed Materials by coworkers or third parties via the Internet, a network or otherwise, beyond the individuals included within the site license.
            • Create abstracts from, scrape or display our content for use on another web site or internal network.
            • Allow coworkers or third parties not included within this agreement to access or view the Licensed Materials.
            • Include the use of Licensed Materials without prior written consent from RTO Insider LLC in connection with: (1) the development of any software program, including, but not limited to, training a machine learning or artificial intelligence (AI) system; or (2) providing archived or cached data sets containing Licensed Materials to another person or entity.
        1. Disclaimers of Warranties and Limitations on Liability
          • Licensee agrees that your access to, and use of, the Licensed Materials is on an “as-is”, “as available” basis and we specifically disclaim any representations or warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, any representations or warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. We do not warrant that the Licensed Materials will be uninterrupted or error-free. There may be delays, omissions, interruptions and inaccuracies in the news, information or other materials available through Licensed Materials. Any claim against us for any reason shall be limited to the amount you paid for use of Licensed Materials. Note that RTO Insider LLC will endeavor to use industry best practices to ensure against the introduction of viruses or other internet-enabled problems in order to protect the licensees infrastructure.
          • RTO Insider LLC represents and warrants that the Services do not and shall not infringe, misappropriate or otherwise violate any intellectual property rights throughout the world, including copyrights, patents, mask works, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, inventions {whether or not patentable), know how, authors’ rights, rights of attribution, and other proprietary rights and all applications and rights to apply for registration or protection of such rights (“Intellectual Property Rights”) or any other rights of any third party.
        2. Indemnity
          • Subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless RTO Insider LLC and its Representatives, successors and permitted assigns from and against any and all claims or legal actions of whatever kind or nature that are made or threatened by any third party and all related losses, expenses, damages, costs and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in investigation, defense or settlement (“Damages”), which arise out of, are alleged to arise out of, or relate to the following: (a) Content Subscriber or Subscriber’s Users submit, post, transmit, or otherwise make available through use of the Services or Website, (b) Subscriber’s violation of this Agreement, or (c) Subscriber’s violation of any rights of another, except, in any case, to the extent such Action is based on Our breach of this Agreement, willful misconduct or negligence.
          • RTO Insider LLC shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless subscriber and its Representatives, successors and permitted assigns from and against any and all claims or legal actions of whatever kind or nature that are made or threatened by any third party and all related losses, expenses, damages, costs and liabilities, including reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in investigation, defense or settlement (“Damages”), which arise out of, are alleged to arise out of, or relate to the following: (a) any negligent act or omission or willful misconduct by RTO Insider LLC, its Representatives or any Subcontractor engaged by RTO Insider LLC in the performance of RTO Insider’s obligations under this Agreement (including claims of intellectual property infringement); or (b) any breach in a representation, covenant or obligation of RTO Insider LLC contained in this Agreement.
          • Indemnification under subsections 9.1 and 9.2 hereof will be provided only on the conditions that: (i) the indemnifying party is given written notice promptly after the indemnified party receives notice of the subject Action; provided, however, that late notice shall only excuse the indemnifying party from its obligations hereunder if such late notice materially prejudices the indemnifying party; (ii) the indemnifying party has sole control of the defense and all related settlement negotiations, provided any settlement that would impose any monetary or injunctive obligation upon the indemnified party shall be subject to such party’s prior written approval; and (iii) the indemnified party provides cooperation and information in furtherance of such defense, as reasonably required by the indemnifying party. This Section 9 shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement.
        3. Payment
          • Due within 30 days of Effective Date;
          • If after 30 days, interest of 1.5%/month will be charged (18%/year).