February 7, 2025


The Southwest Power Pool is a regional transmission organization that coordinates the reliability of the transmission system and balances electric supply and demand in all or parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming.
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SPP Sets Deadline for Markets+ Funding Agreements

Financial backers of Phase 2 of SPP’s Markets+ have until Feb. 14 to submit executed funding agreements, the RTO said.

SPP Board Approves 8 Urgent Short-term Projects
SPP’s Board of Directors approved eight short-term reliability projects, a $3.15 billion package with immediate transmission needs for this year through 2028.
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Day-ahead Seams Issues Could Take Years to Resolve, BPA Staff Says
BPA would have to strike several types of agreements, many of which are complex and could take years to implement, to tackle seams that could arise if BPA joins a day-ahead market, agency staff said during a workshop.
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BPA Considers Impact of Fees in Day-ahead Market Choice
BPA could face high implementation fees and operating costs under both SPP’s Markets+ and CAISO’s EDAM, but exact amounts are in flux.
El Paso Electric to Join SPP’s Markets+ in 2028
El Paso Electric says it will join SPP’s regional day-ahead Markets+ service offering in a “strategic move … tailored” to meet expected customer load growth and evolving needs.
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Ariz. Commissioner Questions Utility Decisions to Join SPP’s Markets+
Arizona Corporation Commissioner Kevin Thompson said he thinks his state’s four major utilities may have erred in committing to joining SPP’s Markets+ instead of CAISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market.
Nick Myers via X
Western Regulators Clarifying Their Role in Markets+
Arizona regulator Nick Myers, chair of the Markets+ State Committee, is drafting a document as part of SPP's compliance filing that better explains the role Western state commissioners will play in the day-ahead market's development and operations.
Western Power Pool
WRAP Members Align on Key Issues to Prioritize
Members of a key WRAP stakeholder group voted to prioritize three topics of concern as the group continues developing the program aimed at addressing resource adequacy and reliability in the West.
TCF Architecture
Chelan PUD Commits to SPP Markets+ Phase 2 Funding
Markets+ notched another in a string of successes when the Chelan County Public Utility District in Washington said it will pay its $1 million to $2 million share of funding for the market’s Phase 2 implementation stage.
WER Architects Planners
SPP Markets+ Tariff a ‘Home Run’, Staff Says
FERC approved SPP’s tariff for Markets+ with minor modifications in what the RTO’s staff described as a “home run” during the Markets+ Participant Executive Committee’s meeting.

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