In a webinar, SERC Reliability staff identified the biggest concerns from the regional entity's biennial risk report.
NERC's Standards Committee expects to have the latest version of the cold weather standard ready to post for a formal comment period by Jan. 27.
A report from ERCOT projects that the highest risk of energy shortfalls in March's peak day will occur around 7 p.m. Central time.
The outgoing head of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned that China remains intent on infiltrating U.S. critical infrastructure.
In its Winter Reliability Assessment, SERC Reliability said several of its subregions have high or elevated risk of energy shortfalls during extreme conditions.
Citing a looming FERC deadline, NERC's Board of Trustees voted once again to sidestep the normal standards development process to accelerate development of the ERO's cold weather standard.
A recent NERC report discussed the potential reliability challenges associated with load loss from data centers.
NERC has submitted for FERC's approval two standards that would require balancing authorities to perform regular energy reliability assessments.
NERC is calling on grid operators to prepare for extreme winter weather predicted in the first weeks of January.
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