October 4, 2024
BIC OKs Updates to Demand Resource Metering Requirements
NYISO Updates Demand Side Resource Metering Requirements

The NYISO Business Issues Committee on Wednesday voted to recommend Management Committee approval of an update to the Market Administration and Control Area Services Tariff to explicitly allow municipal electric utilities to provide metering and/or meter data services for demand side resources and, in the future, distributed energy resources, consistent with the ISO’s historical practices.

Distributed resources operations analyst Alexis Hormovitis presented the tariff revisions to the BIC.

The update is to close an unintended gap in the tariff arising from the ISO’s 2019 DER Participation Model tariff revisions, approved by FERC, which modified the types of entities eligible to provide metering and/or meter data services, Hormovitis said.

NYISO has historically accepted demand side resources meter data from Transmission Owners and meter service or meter data service providers, including municipal electric utilities. The 2019 revisions required that metering and/or meter data services for demand side resources be procured from a member system or a meter services entity, which unintentionally disqualified municipal electric utilities.

The DER-related tariff language is currently expected to go into effect with the DER Participation Model in Q4 2022.  Pending approval of the proposed tariff revisions by the Management Committee and the NYISO Board of Directors, and acceptance by FERC, the NYISO would subsequently propose updates to the applicable manuals to align with the updated tariff language.

Elects NYPA’s John Cordi Vice Chair

The BIC also elected John Cordi, Senior Energy Market Advisor with the New York Power Authority, to serve as vice chair for the upcoming 2021-2022 term.  Cordi will also serve as the BIC vice chair for the remainder of the current 2020-2021 term. Cordi previously served as vice chair and chair of the Operating Committee.

He represents NYPA at NYISO stakeholder meetings and at the New York State Reliability Council’s Installed Capacity Subcommittee, US Energy Storage Association, American Public Power Association and National Hydropower Association.

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