October 22, 2024
Robert Mullin
Deputy Editor / Enterprise
Robert is a former editor with Argus Media, where he oversaw coverage of the U.S. electricity sector, compiled daily power price indexes, and followed developments in the West as a reporter. After a stint writing about California’s cap-and-trade system, he decided to return to the relative simplicity of covering organized energy markets. Robert holds an English degree from Tulane University and a master’s in economics from University College Dublin, where his coursework focused on European integration during the headier days of the project. He lives in Portland, Ore., with his wife, Christina, and son, Henry.

Recent Articles
SPP Sees Bias in Brattle Western Market Studies, Exec Says

An SPP executive closely involved with developing Markets+ said recent Brattle Group studies on Western day-ahead markets appear to be aimed more at swaying utilities in favor of CAISO’s EDAM than providing an unbiased assessment.

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Revised Pathways Proposal Focuses on Sector Issues
The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has revised its “regional organization” stakeholder process proposal to expand the size of a key stakeholder committee and boost representation for some groups.
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Powerex Contests Brattle’s EDAM/Markets+ Comparative Study
The study comparing key features of CAISO’s EDAM and SPP’s Markets+ contains “several material misstatements of facts” and overlooks evidence “directly contrary to its conclusions,” Powerex contends.
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Brattle Study Finds EDAM Gains, Markets+ Losses for BPA, Pacific NW
BPA would earn $65 million in annual benefits from joining CAISO’s EDAM but face $83 million in increased yearly costs from participating in SPP’s Markets+, according to a new Brattle study.
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State utility commissioners who launched the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative in July 2023 have praised the initiative’s “Step 2” proposal to create a “regional organization.”
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