October 18, 2024

Stakeholder Soapbox Submission Guidelines

We publish op-ed pieces in our Stakeholder Soapbox feature, which runs on our website and on Page 3 of our newsletter.

Submissions must be:

    1.  On policy issues (i.e., no advertorials for products or services).
    2. Relevant to our editorial focus on the organized wholesale electric markets (CAISO – ERCOT – ISO-NE – MISO – NYISO – PJM – SPP)

The articles generally run 800 words or less. We like to run them with a photo or chart relevant to the topic and a headshot of the author.

We will consult with the author if we spot factual errors or have questions, but we generally edit only for consistency with our editorial stylebook (e.g. “%” not “percent”).

Submissions or questions should be sent to soapbox@rtoinsider.com