The team revising NERC’s cold weather standard has more work ahead after industry respondents put the freeze on their latest proposed revisions with a negative segment-weighted vote of more than 56%.
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward on several standards projects, including ones on planning for extreme temperatures and providing information on DERs.
NERC’s second attempt to gain industry approval for proposed changes to its Standards Processes Manual succeeded, as stakeholders gave overwhelming consent.
NERC’s Standards Committee declined to advance a project to modify cybersecurity reporting requirements, seeking a fuller response to criticism of the proposal.
NERC’s Standards Committee moved forward with four standards development projects, including one that could lead to new rules for inverter-based resources.
NERC’s Standards Committee kept up momentum on the organization’s efforts to harden the electric grid against extreme cold.
NERC’s Standards Committee advanced a slate of standards development projects after moving to address concerns over stakeholders' ability to provide feedback.
NERC’s Standards Committee unanimously agreed to submit for industry comment a proposal to update the organization’s Rules of Procedure.
FERC Chair Richard Glick cited "remarkable” progress on FERC's and NERC's recommendations in response to Winter Storm Uri but cautioned there is more to do.
NERC Trustee Sue Kelly argued for giving the ERO board authority to issue standards when it sees inadequate progress on an urgent reliability issue.
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