ISO-NE on Track with GMD Standard
ISO-NE is on its way to complying with NERC’s revised geomagnetic disturbance standard, the RTO told the NEPOOL Reliability Committee.
Eversource Balks at ISO-NE Plan on CIP Costs
Eversource Energy is opposing ISO-NE's plan to allow generators to recover costs of NERC critical infrastructure protection requirements through transmission rates.
Eversource Balks at ISO-NE Plan on CIP Costs
Eversource Energy is opposing ISO-NE's plan to to allow generators to recover the costs of NERC critical infrastructure protection requirements through transmission rates.
NPCC Sees Lower Summer Peak for 2019
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council is projecting a summer peak demand of 103,548 MW in the week of July 28, 2019 a 0.6% reduction from last year.
NPCC Sees Lower Summer Peak for 2019
The Northeast Power Coordinating Council is projecting a summer peak demand of 103,548 MW in the week of July 28, a 0.6% reduction from last year.
Overheard at the 161st New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur reflected on New England's electricity markets, and NERC CEO Jim Robb shared concerns about fuel security at the 161st New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
EIPC Finds Eastern Tx Planning Working Well
Transmission planning in the Eastern Interconnection is well-coordinated, according to the Eastern Interconnection Planning Collaborative.
Canadians Seek Inclusion in Cybersecurity Meetings
Canadian Electricity Association CEO Sergio Marchi complained that he and other Canadian stakeholders have been excluded from cybersecurity briefings.

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