Steven Noess, NERC's director of regulatory programs, will join WECC as its new vice president of reliability and security oversight.
In a new report, NERC and WECC highlighted four solar power-related disturbances from last year and warned that such events are likely to occur more often.
FERC approved two settlements between WECC and APS and WECC and WAPA, as well as one between SERC and TVA, for violating NERC standards.
Western Power Pool named Sarah Edmonds as new CEO as it seeks to incorporate much of the Western Interconnection into its growing resource adequacy program.
Extreme weather events have brought “extraordinary clarity” about reliability risks posed by climate change, NERC CEO Jim Robb told an EPSA conference.
After leading the WPP for four years, outgoing President Frank Afranji shared his views on the Western Resource Adequacy Program with the WECC board.
WECC hopes to begin in-person meetings as soon as May 1 but will use a "hybrid" approach to continue allowing remote attendance.
The tdog, CC BY-SA 1.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Representatives of Texas RE and WECC said Thursday the growing penetration of distributed energy resources is introducing new challenges to grid management.
WECC continued its focus on threats to the Western grid with a workshop on risk priorities and the first meeting of its new Reliability Risk Committee.
In a move that signifies its expanding reach across the Western Interconnection, the Northwest Power Pool has rebranded itself as the Western Power Pool.
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