State Regulation

Each state and province maintains a public utilities commission or other body to regulate utilities within its jurisdiction. Commissions typically oversee utilities' rates and services, and mediate disputes between utilities and ratepayers.
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Stakeholder Soapbox: The Cost of Inaction — An Outdated Grid, Overpriced Power
Former Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Jason Stanek lays out the ways in which a lack of regulation and repair have led to a fragile, financially wasteful energy grid.
Consumers Energy
Michigan PSC Warns Utilities of Possible Fines for Outages
Fed up with repeated outages, the Michigan PSC outlined penalties it is considering imposing on utilities in the future.  
State Farm
Hawaiian Electric Faces Multiple Lawsuits over Wildfires
Hawaii's main electric utility faces multiple lawsuits accusing it of neglecting wildfire preparations.
ERO Adds Energy Policy to Risk Priorities List
NERC's latest ERO Reliability Risk Priorities Report includes energy policy and critical infrastructure interdependencies among crucial reliability risks.
NAESB Forum Chairs Push for Gas Reliability Organization
The chairs of NAESB's forum on gas-electric harmonization said significant reforms may be needed to bring the two industries into alignment.
NYPA Taking to the Skies with Expanded Drone Fleet
The New York Power Authority is greatly expanding its unmanned aerial vehicle program.
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Overheard at NARUC Summer Policy Summit 2023
NARUC's annual Summer Policy Summit attracted more than 1,000 attendees for discussions on understanding and preparing for the challenges that lie ahead.
NY State Reliability Council Executive Committee Briefs: July 14, 2023
The committee discussed future energy deficiencies in New York City, NYISO's demand curve reset and impacts from extreme weather in the region.
Orchidus, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
North Carolina Businesses Endorse Market Reform Studies
North Carolina businesses called for a study of wholesale market competition, including a possible RTO, citing a lack of “cost-competitive, clean energy.”
New York state Department of Public Service
Electric Reliability and Safety Continue to Improve in NY
Frequency and duration of power outages decreased in New York in 2022 outside of major storms, but one utility missed its target for the fourth year in a row.

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