FERC has accepted a settlement between WECC and NorthWestern Energy for violations of NERC reliability standards, under which the utility will pay $205,000.
NERC Trustees Robin Manning and George Hawkins were re-elected to the ERO's board, and Sue Kelly and Larry Irving joined to replace Jan Schori.
FERC approved a settlement between ReliabilityFirst and Michigan Electric Transmission Company for violations of NERC reliability standards.
FERC approved a penalty assessed by WECC against Southern California Edison and a penalty by Texas RE against Oncor for violations of NERC standards.
SERC held a two-day O&P compliance webinar, with discussions on operations under the coronavirus pandemic and recent enforcement trends.
FERC accepted proposed revisions to seven NERC reliability standards, as well as the ERO Enterprise's business plans and budget for 2021.
FERC approved a settlement between SERC Reliability and Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. for violations of NERC reliability standards.
NERC’s Standards Committee voted to accept the standard authorization request presented by the drafting team for Project 2019-06.
FERC approved the full retirement of four NERC reliability standards and the modification of five others.
FERC accepted settlements by NERC between Texas RE and several entities, as well as one by WECC, for violations of FAC and CIP standards.
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