More Cold Weather Standards Headed to Ballot
NERC’s Standards Committee kept up momentum on the organization’s efforts to harden the electric grid against extreme cold.
Lindsey Systems
PJM Operating Committee Briefs: Aug. 11, 2022
PJM's Operating Committee heard proposals on improving the dispatch of renewables, changes to max emergency status and a new cold weather advisory.
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Texas RE Knocks AEP for Communication Breakdown
FERC approved Texas RE's settlement with AEP over communication failures during a 2018 load loss incident.
NERC Standards Committee Moves Projects Forward
NERC's Standards Committee voted to move forward with five standards projects, with only two agenda items sparking any debate.
FERC Approves $132K Penalty Against APS
FERC approved two settlements between WECC and APS and WECC and WAPA, as well as one between SERC and TVA, for violating NERC standards.
Broad River Energy
SERC Alleges Years of Noncompliance by Broad River in $435K Settlement
A settlement approved by FERC describes how Broad River Energy hid generator outages at its South Carolina facility and misled SERC for years.
The National Guard
NERC Standards Committee Delays Action on Cold Weather SAR
The NERC Standards Committee voted to delay approving the draft standards authorization request despite a plea from NERC vice president Howard Gugel,
Matthew T. Rader, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
FERC Approves Cold Weather Standards
FERC approved NERC's proposed cold weather reliability standards in an order that recognized more standards would likely be necessary in the future.
Xcel Energy
Utilities Urged to Prepare for Cold Weather Standards at NAES-NERC Conference
ReliabilityFirst's Don Urban discussed NERC's new cold weather standards at this year's NAES-NERC conference, urging utilities to start implementation early.
FERC, ERO Issue Assessment Recommendations
In a new report, FERC and the ERO Enterprise detailed recommendations for utilities to improve the performance of their real-time assessments.

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