Impact & Adaptation

Washington Dept. of Ecology
Strong Support for Washington Drought Bill
Attendance was low at a hearing on a bill to allocate funds to deal with probable upcoming droughts in Wash., but participants were unanimous in their support.
Michigan Zero-carbon Proposal Draft Sent to Whitmer
Michigan would have at least 2 million EVs and get half of its electricity from renewables by 2030 under a climate plan sent to Gov. Whitmer.
Alaska Dept. of Transportation and Public Facilities
Researchers: New Policies, Data Needed to Respond to Climate Threats
Government officials and utility planners lack the tools and policies needed to address climate change's increasing threat, researchers told the EBA.
Washington Senate Democrats
Washington Bill Would Factor ‘Climate Resilience’ into Water Systems
Washington is considering a bill that would require public water systems serving 1,000 or more connections to include a “climate resilience element” in system plans.
PG&E Building ‘Remote Grids’ in Fire-prone Areas
PG&E plans to build more standalone “remote grids” in California, allowing the utility to remove distribution lines serving small groups of isolated customers as a way to reduce wildfire danger.
Washington State House Democrats
Flood of Climate Bills to Greet Washington Lawmakers
Washington lawmakers will confront more than a dozen climate bills in their upcoming short session.
Study Links Western Wildfires to Arctic Ice Melt
A PNNL study has solidified the link between melting Arctic Ocean ice and the wildfires that regularly ravage the Western U.S.
Wash. Senator Seeks Fee on Fossil Fuel Financers
A Washington state senator wants to create a “climate resiliency fee” on global financial institutions operating in the state that fund fossil fuel projects.
Washington Department of Ecology
Wash. Policy Makers Move to Address Expected Drought
In its upcoming session, Washington lawmakers will likely set up millions in funding to deal with a probable drought in 2022.
New Jersey Pension Fund Backs Climate Strategy
The agency that manages New Jersey’s $1 billion state pension fund has codified a strategy to reduce carbon emissions at companies backed by the fund.

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