Agriculture & Land Use

NextEra Energy Resources
Solar Developer Objects to New York DEC Analysis
A NextEra Energy subsidiary developing a 180-MW solar project in New York is urging the Siting Board to reject the DEC’s project description and analysis.
Washington State House Democrats
Flood of Climate Bills to Greet Washington Lawmakers
Washington lawmakers will confront more than a dozen climate bills in their upcoming short session.
Study Links Western Wildfires to Arctic Ice Melt
A PNNL study has solidified the link between melting Arctic Ocean ice and the wildfires that regularly ravage the Western U.S.
BMW Group
Here’s the Top Decarbonization Challenge for the Northeast in 2022
With Northeast states backing out of joining TCI-P, states now have a major funding gap for their plans to clean up the transportation sector.
Oregon Department of Energy
Oregon Effort Seeks to ‘Close the Gap’ on GHG Goals
Oregon's Department of Energy kicked off an effort intended to identify and analyze the many efforts the state might undertake to meet its GHG reduction goals.
Washington Department of Ecology
Wash. Policy Makers Move to Address Expected Drought
In its upcoming session, Washington lawmakers will likely set up millions in funding to deal with a probable drought in 2022.
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Vermont Landfill Solar Project Highlights Brownfield Challenges
Encore CEO Chad Farrell says building solar on a landfill has an additional level of complexity from a permitting perspective that affects project cost.
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Vermont Climate Council Adopts ‘Initial Climate Action Plan’
The Vermont Climate Council voted 19-4 to adopt an Initial Climate Action Plan with the expectation that it will update it next year.
Maine Ag-Solar Group to Recommend Dual-use Pilot Program
Maine Agricultural Solar Stakeholder Group members weighed in on a draft of the report the group plans to send to the legislature in January.
Dominion Energy
CHESSA Working with Conservative Groups to Promote Solar in Rural Virginia Counties
Winning GOP support for clean energy by providing an economic and locally focused value proposition was a major theme at CHESSA's Solar Focus conference.

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