September 28, 2024

Department of Energy

Federal Highway Administration
New IIJA Funding Seeks to Close Gaps in EV Charging Networks

The Federal Highway Administration’s CFI grants are spread across 29 states, the District of Columbia and eight tribal communities.

NetZero Analysis: Industry Leaders Share Frank Views on the IRA at 2
To gain a deeper understanding of how the IRA is being implemented, NetZero Insider invited several industry leaders to talk about their views on the law.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
DOE Wind Power Reports Show Mixed Results in 2023
The 2024 editions of the Department of Energy’s wind energy market reports show growth amid challenges.
The IRA at 2: A Mixed Record of Achievement and Uncertainty

Signed into law Aug. 16, 2022, the IRA is the largest federal investment in climate and clean energy action in history, and leading up to the IRA’s second anniversary, the Department of Energy and other agencies have heralded the law’s impact and benefits.

Grid Storage Launchpad Opens at Pacific Northwest Lab

U.S. reliance on lithium-ion batteries has become a political flashpoint due to China’s dominance in the processing of lithium and manufacture of battery cells.

Constellation Energy
DC Circuit Vacates FERC Approval of Two LNG Facilities in Texas
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated FERC’s approval of two LNG export facilities in Texas and remanded the cases back to the commission.
Grid United
DOE Announces $2.2B in Grid Resilience, Innovation Awards
DOE announced its second round of grants for the GRIP program, with $2.2 billion going to eight projects that could expand grid capacity, reliability and flexibility across 18 states.
Korda Nemeth Engineering
GSA Seeks 1.1M MWh of Carbon-free Power for Federal Buildings
The General Services Administration is doubling down on its efforts to slash greenhouse gas emissions from federal buildings with recent announcements aimed at both procuring carbon-free energy and testing out new energy-efficient, low-carbon technologies.
Feds Launch Appalachian Hydrogen Hub
The Appalachian Regional Clean Hydrogen Hub is the third of seven regional hydrogen hubs to reach agreement with the Department of Energy. 
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee
Manchin-Barrasso Permitting Bill Easily Clears Committee
The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee voted 15-4 to advance the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 to the floor. 

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