Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Principle Power
BOEM Issues Proposed Sale Notice for California Offshore Wind Areas
BOEM issued a proposed sale notice for five lease areas off the California coast, setting the stage for the first West Coast wind auction later this year.
BOEM Details Gulf of Maine OSW Lease Timeline, Next Steps
BOEM took comments Thursday from Gulf of Maine OSW task force members about a request for interest it plans to issue by October.
Principle Power
OSW Advocates Urge California to Think Bigger
At a California Energy Commission workshop Wednesday, advocates of offshore wind urged state officials to plan for far more wind than is currently contemplated.
BOEM Approves 800-MW Vineyard Wind I
The final approval of Vineyard Wind I by BOEM is expected to kick-start the approval of more plans in the offshore wind pipeline.
BOEM Hears Public Support for South Fork OSW
Fishermen, environmentalists, labor unions and local residents broadly support the 132-MW South Fork Wind Project off Long Island.

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