Battery Electric Buses (BEB)

CARB Approves $1.5B Clean Transportation Package
The California Air Resources Board approved a $1.5 billion transportation funding plan, including $515 million for a popular electric car incentive program.
New Jersey Floats New Electric Bus Plan
Experts tell New Jersey to think big on replacing diesel school buses with new EVs; lawmakers follow suit with a proposal for an expanded pilot project.
LA Metro
CEC Puts $24M Toward Electric Buses, Trucks
The California Energy Commission granted nearly $24 million to foster zero-emission transit buses, school buses and medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Hawaii Department of Transportation
Hawaii Incentives Aim to Replace Diesels with EVs
The Hawaii State Energy Office is partnering with the Dept. of Health to give away $2.1 million in rebates to incentivize diesel vehicle owners to go electric.
Travel Nevada
NV Energy Proposes ‘Strategic Network’ of EV Chargers
Visitors to Nevada would be able to recharge their electric vehicles at iconic destinations as part of a proposed transportation electrification plan.
Hydrogen, Funding, Deployment Feature at ZEB Conference
Adequate funding, deployment challenges and hydrogen-versus-battery electric were hot topics at the 2021 International Zero Emission Bus Conference.
Penske Truck Leasing
California Earmarks $3.9B for ZEVs Through 2024
California lawmakers allocated $2.7 billion for ZEVs in the 2021-2022 state budget this summer and designated $1.2 million more in the next two years.
Port of Tacoma
Views on Washington Clean Truck Rules Split on Expected Lines
Feedback split along predictable lines on Washington’s efforts to adopt California’s strict standards on zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks.
Houston METRO
Houston METRO to Electrify Bus Fleet by 2030
The Houston Metro set a goal to replace all of its buses and vans with electric vehicles by 2030, a full decade before other major metro transit authorities.
Vermont Department of Tourism and Marketing
Vermont Climate Council Puts Clean Heat Standard on the Table
The Vermont Climate Council heard recommendations on how to reduce emissions for the electricity, thermal and transportation sectors.

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