New York
New York regulators approved a $2.75 million settlement with New York State Electric and Gas over a gas leak that led to a fire last February.
The New York Public Service Commission approved 62 transmission upgrades with a combined capacity of 3.5 GW and an estimated cost of $4.4 billion.
New York Gov. Kathy Hochul released a legislative framework for the cap-and-invest program she is proposing to help the state meet its GHG-reduction goals.
The price of New York ZECs is set to fall 14% for the next two years after the agency that administratively sets the price issued its biennial price adjustment.
Long-duration energy storage company Zinc8 Energy Solutions plans to build its first factory in Kingston, N.Y., the company and Gov. Kathy Hochul announced.
New York said its latest offshore wind solicitation drew more than 100 proposals from six developers for eight new projects — a record level of response.
NYSERDA did not release details on the submissions for New York state’s third offshore wind solicitation, but least some of the would-be developers are known.
Ben Schumin, CC BY-SA-2.0, via Wikimedia
Beacon Wind I drew unanimous public support during public hearings on the transmission line needed for the1,230-MW wind farm planned off the New York coast.
New York is moving to cut the cost of electricity supplied to commercial charging stations for electric vehicles.
The New York State Public Service Commission ordered changes to improve and standardize the community choice aggregation program.
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