CAISO Board of Governors
The Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body and CAISO Board of Governors were briefed on proposed changes to the WEIM resource sufficiency test.
In their last meeting of 2021, the CAISO governors elected a new chair and funded technology upgrades to settle billions of dollars in transactions annually.
FERC commissioners told an audience of Western stakeholders and regulators that they back the formation of a Western RTO; California can't go it alone.
Increased discussion of a Western RTO is being driven by clean-energy mandates and state laws requiring transmission owners to join an organized market.
A study has found that high electricity prices in California, New York and New England could undermine efforts to electrify transportation and homes.
CAISO's Board of Governors and the Western Energy Imbalance Market Governing Body agreed to a new split of authority in which FERC could settle disputes.
The Western Energy Imbalance Market's Governance Review Committee approved its proposal for a new delegation of authority between the EIM and CAISO boards.
CAISO governors encouraged Californians to wear lighter clothing and turn up thermostats as a way to prevent capacity shortfalls this summer.
FERC approved CAISO's controversial rule changes on wheel-throughs, intended to ensure the ISO has adequate capacity this summer.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved changes to the ISO’s criteria for recommending new board members to California’s governor.
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