CAISO Board of Governors
CAISO stakeholders are still wary of the new proposed wheel-through provisions the ISO has submitted to FERC for clarity on the complex issue.
CAISO’s board approved limits on wheel-throughs during strained system conditions, despite opposition from utilities and the EIM Governing Body.
The CPUC and CAISO instituted new resource adequacy requirements and conservation programs in preparation for the coming summer.
A stakeholder initiative to help ensure resource adequacy and avoid energy emergencies this summer is headed to the CAISO Board of Governors.
The CAISO Board of Governors approved the Morongo Band of Mission Indians as a participating transmission owner.
CAISO’s board voted to keep a small gas plant operating to and received a briefing on initiatives to revamp the ISO’s resource adequacy construct.
The CAISO board praised the work of retiring colleague David Olsen and adopted the second phase of its hybrid resource plan.
David Olsen, who until last month served as chair of the CAISO Board of Governors, plans to retire Nov. 30 after eight years of service.
CAISO said it plans to begin a stakeholder initiative on scarcity pricing with an issue paper and formal start in January.
The CAISO Board of Governors bid farewell to its retired CEO, greeted a new leader and approved a plan to implement FERC Order 831.
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