CAISO Board of Governors

Solid Support for EIM Joint Authority Plan
EIM stakeholders broadly support a proposal that would expand the Governing Body’s approval authority and grant it a “more collaborative” relationship with CAISO’s board.
CAISO Finalizes ESDER Phase 4 Proposal
CAISO presented its final proposal of its effort to make it easier for energy storage and distributed energy resources to participate in markets.
CAISO Adopts Co-located Resources Plan
The CAISO Board of Governors adopted the first of two proposals intended to allow co-located and hybrid resources to connect to the grid more seamlessly.
CAISO CRRs Still Losing Money, but Less
CAISO’s congestion revenue rights auction continued to lose money in 2019 but less than in prior years, the Department of Market Monitoring said.
CAISO Board OKs $141.7M Tx Plan, RMR Contracts
CAISO’s Board of Governors approved $141.7M in transmission spending and reliability-must-run contracts covering three power plants in Central California.
CAISO Protecting Control Room Staff
CAISO is focused on keeping its control room running and isolating key employees from COVID-19 risk, CEO Steve Berberich told the ISO's board.
Newsom Reappoints 2 CAISO Governors
Gov. Gavin Newsom reappointed Ashutosh Bhagwat and Angelina Galiteva to their fourth three-year terms on the CAISO Board of Governors.
CAISO Announces Leadership Changes
The retirement this month of two key leaders at CAISO has created new and expanded roles for others in the ISO’s executive wing.
CAISO’s 2020 Vision Anticipates Big Change
CAISO will have its work cut out in 2020, with a dozen major policy initiatives moving forward as well as heading off predicted electricity shortfalls.
CAISO Advances Systemwide Market Power Plan
CAISO is moving ahead with a plan to stem systemwide market power, even though not everyone is convinced the effort is necessary.

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