ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
ERCOT stakeholders declined to consider staff’s appeal of a tabled rule change that would create a process allowing staff to schedule planned outages.
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee approved a request to create a task force to address interconnecting large flexible loads flocking to the state.
ERCOT’s Board of Directors left the ISO's top stakeholder committee in limbo this week as it continues to debate governance and stakeholder coordination.
ERCOT stakeholders have tabled for a month a discussion on a proposal that would reduce the offer floor for RUCs and remove opt-out provisions.
ERCOT market participants again expressed their concerns with potential changes to the stakeholder process following discussions during board meetings.
ERCOT's new Board of Directors met publicly for the first time since February's winter storm and assured its audience that a new sheriff is in town.
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee met for the last time in 2021 in its current market participant-driven makeup, but things could change next year.
Texas regulators reacted to another potential conservation call by ERCOT by assuring residents the grid operator is using other tools in its toolbox.
ERCOT stakeholders endorsed several protocol changes and associated changes related to ERS service and load-resource participation in non-spinning reserves.
ERCOT staff says they plan to continue in 2022 their conservative operations approach of setting aside additional reserves by procuring ancillary services.
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