ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: April 1, 2020
In its first report since the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic forced most Texans to stay at home, ERCOT has seen a weekly 2% reduction in energy usage.
ERCOT TAC OKs Glossary Change in Email Vote
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee unanimously approved a change to the Resource Registration Glossary with an email vote.
Feb. ERCOT TAC Meeting now a Webinar
ERCOT’s Technical Advisory Committee for this month will be conducted via a webinar rather than in-person, given the limited number of items to discuss.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Jan. 29, 2020
ERCOT stakeholders endorsed a final batch of key principles that will guide the Texas grid operator’s implementation of real-time co-optimization.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Nov. 20, 2019
ERCOT told the Technical Advisory Committee it will be improving market pricing processes as they bring price-correction issues to the Board of Directors.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Committee Briefs: Oct. 23, 2019
ERCOT's attempt to alert stakeholders that scheduling entities will be required to submit certificates for electricity resale resulted in a kerfuffle.
ERCOT Technical Advisory Comm. Briefs: Sept. 25, 2019
ERCOT stakeholders approved the creation of a battery energy storage task force as the grid operator steps up its efforts to accommodate the resource type.
RTOs Gather to Discuss Real-time Co-optimization
ERCOT staffers and stakeholders gathered to hear advice from the RTOs that have already implemented real-time co-optimization in their markets.
ERCOT TAC Endorses Co-optimization Principles
ERCOT's staff on Wednesday briefed the Technical Advisory Committee on three key principles of real-time co-optimization.
August ERCOT TAC Canceled; RTC Session Set
ERCOT's Technical Advisory Committee will hold an information session Aug. 28 on the Real-Time Co-Optimization Task Force’s latest work.

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