ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee

ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Dec. 16, 2020
ISO-NE presented to the Planning Advisory Committee feedback on lessons learned from its competitive Boston-area transmission solicitation.
ISO-NE PAC Briefs: Nov. 19, 2020
ISO-NE proposed a pilot study for its clean energy transition to test grid performance assumptions under high renewable penetration scenarios
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Oct. 21, 2020
ISO-NE announced its Cape Cod Resource Integration Study that will focus on new transmission infrastructure to interconnect queued generation
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Comm. Briefs: Sept. 24, 2020
ISO-NE presented the PAC with potential study conditions to identify transmission needs under increased penetration of distributed, renewable and storage resources.
Eversource Energy
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: Aug. 27, 2020
Economy-wide carbon dioxide emissions in New England fell by 28 to 34% between March and June versus a year earlier.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: July 22, 2020
ISO-NE presented the Planning Advisory Committee with revised study scenarios and threshold prices for the 2020 Economic Study requested by National Grid.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: June 17, 2020
About 5,800 MW of offshore wind can be interconnected to points along the southern New England coast without significant upgrades..
Boston RFP Review Draws Unexpected Crowd
About 170 stakeholders turned out for ISO-NE’s teleconference review of the Phase One proposals in its Boston competitive transmission solicitation.
National Grid, Eversource Finalist for Boston Tx Plan
ISO-NE announced it has selected the cheapest of the 36 proposals it received in response to its Boston 2028 transmission solicitation to move forward.
ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee Briefs: May 20, 2020
ISO-NE presented the preliminary results of economic studies conducted for NESCOE and Anbaric.

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