ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee
New England’s grid will see diminishing returns from the incremental addition of offshore wind as more megawatts are added, analysis from ISO-NE shows.
Stakeholders asking for information on proposals generated by ISO-NE’s first competitive transmission solicitation in December.
The ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee heard the RTO’s latest study results on integrating up to 8,000 MW of offshore wind into the regional grid.
ISO-NE is incorporating stakeholder comments and questions from last month's PAC meeting as it works to complete its 2019 Economic Study in stages.
New England’s carbon emissions could decrease by a 1.45 million short tons per 1,000 MW of offshore wind capacity added, according to a NESCOE study.
ISO-NE's Planning Advisory Committee discussed updates to the bulk power system list, the Regional System Plan and Eversource's upgrades to infrastructure.
ISO-NE identified a 160-MVAR reactor at National Grid’s Golden Hills 345-kV substation as a key part of its solution to Boston’s 2028 needs.
ISO-NE planners will update base cases for the Boston 2028 Needs Assessment to include a transmission line and offshore wind projects.
ISO-NE presented a new draft of the competitive transmission request for proposals template for stakeholder review at the Planning Advisory Committee.
Several projects in Maine have withdrawn from the interconnection queue since the second Maine Resource Integration Study began, the ISO-NE PAC learned.
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