ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee
New England will have only enough natural gas capacity to supply about half of its gas-fired generation in winters 2025 and 2030, according to NEPOOL.
ISO-NE's 2017 Capacity, Energy, Loads and Transmission Report shows a reduced load forecast from 2016 but predicts increased load for the Southeast area.
ISO-NE is working to adopt clustering methodology to speed the development of new capacity, particularly to help free wind power trapped in Maine.
Eversource Energy and ISO-NE told the Planning Advisory Committee meeting they support a $7.7 million project to keep the Mount Tom switchyard.
A new analysis by ISO-NE shows that increasing carbon allowance prices would boost the region’s LMPs by more than 30% under all six scenarios studied.
The ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee discussed several changes in the RTO's procedures for 2017 and Eversource's aging transmission towers.
ISO-NE nixed a request for proposals for the Keene Road market efficiency transmission upgrade because it would be prohibitively expensive.
New England’s needs for energy infrastructure moved to ISO-NE as stakeholders began discussing the potential for major projects under FERC Order 1000.
ISO-NE is seeking stakeholder comments on statutes and regulations that could require new transmission under the public policy conditions of FERC Order 1000.
ISO-NE staff told the Planning Advisory Committee it is recommending the RTO not move forward on the Keene Road transmission project.
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