NEPOOL Participants Committee

Mystic Cost Worries Highlight NEPOOL PC Meeting
A group of New England suppliers is raising worries about the costs of the cost-of-service agreement between ISO-NE and the Mystic Generating Station.
ISO-NE Wants to Hike its Budget by 10% in 2023
ISO-NE is proposing a roughly 10% increase in its operating budget for 2023 and the addition of more than 50 employees over the next two years.
Mass. AG, Public Citizen Raise Alarm Over Proposed Generation Deal
JERA's proposed acquisition of three generating units in New England raises competition concerns, say the Massachusetts Attorney General and Public Citizen.
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Christie Talks up Flexibility of Transmission NOPR
FERC Commissioner Mark Christie said the agency's transmission NOPR gives the states plenty of flexibility to plan their public policy-focused projects.
NTE Energy
NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: May 5, 2022
Competitive Power Ventures’ proposal to revamp ISO-NE's financial assurance rules failed to win approval from NEPOOL’s Participants Committee.
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NEPOOL Participants Committee Briefs: April 7, 2022
ISO-NE got through the winter without serious incident, but now it's time to start planning for next winter.
NTE Energy
ISO-NE to Publish Auction Results after Unprecedented Delay
ISO-NE is drawing up a new schedule for next year's capacity auction, FCA 17, which has been delayed.
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Van Welie Calls on FERC to Coordinate NE Winter Reliability Conversations
Multiple cold weather close calls in January highlighted what ISO-NE says are vulnerabilities in the region's grid.
Fletcher6, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
ISO-NE’s Plan to Delay MOPR Removal Wins out at NEPOOL
The NEPOOL Markets Committee signed off on a plan to delay the elimination of ISO-NE’s MOPR, which the RTO abruptly threw its support behind.
NEPOOL PC Approves Tariff Changes for Aggregated DERs
NEPOOL's Participants Committee approved ISO-NE's proposal for allowing aggregated distributed energy resources to participate in the markets.

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