MISO Advisory Committee (AC)MISO Board of DirectorsMISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)MISO Regulatory Organizations & CommitteesOrganization of MISO States (OMS)MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC)MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)
The Midcontinent Independent System Operator is a regional transmission organization that plans transmission projects, administers wholesale markets for its membership and manages the flow of electricity in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin.
FERC rejected MISO’s attempt to implement a blanket, two-year extension of commercial operation dates for generation developers that entered the interconnection queue about seven years ago.
Voltus filed a complaint with FERC against MISO, alleging the RTO’s “11th-hour” changes in testing and contract proof requirements ahead of the spring capacity auctions will harm demand response resources and affect rates.
Groups of generation owners and developers have asked MISO to adopt a queue fast lane only as a last resort and employ a more limited process that involves scoring criteria to gain entry.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor said ramping needs north of 10 GW are becoming increasingly common and MISO should expect challenges ahead as its solar fleet expands.
A federal appeals court has brought Michigan’s practice of requiring some amount of locally generated electricity to a standstill, finding fault with local clearing requirements.
MISO and SPP have asked FERC for a temporary departure from sections of their joint operating agreement to be able to conduct a more comprehensive interregional planning study to land on mutually beneficial transmission projects.
MISO hopes to mete out different reserve margin obligations to its load-serving entities as it sees bigger perils on the horizon.
MISO revealed it will crack down on demand response testing requirements ahead of its spring capacity auction, while some stakeholders argued the stepped-up measures amount to a change that requires FERC approval.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed transmission customers’ argument against ITC Midwest receiving an abandonment rate incentive for an Iowa line segment included MISO long-range transmission planning.
The Organization of MISO States advised MISO that it needs a central data-sharing platform for the participation of DER aggregators in its wholesale market.
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