MISO Advisory Committee (AC)
Just three of MISO’s 11 member sectors voted to support the RTO’s $9 billion 2023 Transmission Expansion Plan.
MISO’s quarterly Board Week explored the reasons behind its growing number of generation projects that have the stamp of approval to connect to the system but remain unbuilt.
MISO members were hopeful over the Department of Energy’s plan to designate National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors to expedite expansion.
MISO reported a later completion of its market platform replacement and added two new members while members installed new Advisory Committee leadership.
MISO members agreed that the future generation mix is arriving faster than previously thought during a “mind the gap” Advisory Committee discussion Dec. 7.
Members are proposing that MISO resurrect the Stakeholder Governance Working Group, which formerly managed MISO’s Stakeholder Governance Guide.
MISO members reopened the idea that the grid operator enact resilience criteria within its footprint.
MISO, its Monitor and members debated the best course to implementing ambient adjusted line ratings during a Sept. 15 Advisory Committee discussion.
MISO and its membership said they’re experiencing firsthand the national trend of employee churn that picked up in the latter half of the pandemic.
MISO’s June listening session with its Board of Directors will concentrate on how the RTO and its members are tackling the nationwide Great Resignation.
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