MISO Advisory Committee (AC)
MISO’s Advisory Committee planned a roundtable discussion on how the footprint could be affected by the recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
Weeks into its new scaled-back stakeholder meeting schedule, MISO will hold a stakeholder workshop to re-examine its effectiveness.
When it emerges from the worst of the pandemic, MISO wants to limit its in-person stakeholder committee schedule to eight in-person meeting weeks per year.
ReliabilityFirst assessed MISO a $500,000 fine for violating Critical Infrastructure Protection standards. MISO says security was never at risk.
MISO members and leadership discussed during Board Week what environmental justice would mean in the RTO's 15-state footprint.
MISO members overwhelmingly voted to require that stakeholders state their full name and their company before commenting during meetings.
MISO members narrowly approved new stakeholder removal provisions despite concerns that the rules give the RTO too much latitude.
MISO’s Advisory Committee said it will defer to MISO as the final arbiter over whether a new company or organization is entitled to join a certain sector.
Stakeholders told MISO to rework a proposal that allows the RTO to remove stakeholders and committee leadership in certain situations.
MISO’s Advisory Committee voted to recommend allowing the RTO’s newly created Affiliate sector voting rights in certain committees.
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