September 28, 2024

MISO Advisory Committee (AC)

Batteries Will Have Their Day in MISO, Experts Say
Energy storage systems will inevitably take hold in MISO as costs decline, but the outlook for technologies outside lithium-ion batteries is less certain.
No-go for MISO Board Election Changes
MISO’s Advisory Committee has decided not to pursue changes to how the RTO vets and selects its Board of Directors after more than a year of discussion.
MISO Committee Revisits ‘Other’ Sector Spin-off
Environmental advocates are stepping up calls for MISO to split up its Environmental and Other Stakeholder Groups sector to provide a more singular voice.
Task Team: Boost Member Role in MISO Board Selection
A special task team is suggesting that MISO revise its Board of Directors selection rules to give stakeholders a more consequential voice in board makeup.
Scant Support for 11th MISO Sector
MISO stakeholders signaled they’re not yet ready to embrace creating an 11th sector in the RTO’s Advisory Committee to accommodate hard-to-pin-down members.
MISO Members Dissect Implications of Grid Change
The rate of MISO’s grid transformation is distressingly slow and unbelievably quick, members said in a session directed at guiding future market decisions.
Advisory Committee Considers 11th MISO Sector
MISO’s Advisory Committee is considering creating a new miscellaneous sector in order to give its Environmental Sector a more singular voice.
Task Team Begins Look at MISO Board Rules
A new MISO Board Qualification Task Team is seeking stakeholder suggestions to improve the process for choosing the RTO’s board members.
New Task Team to Review MISO Board Rules
MISO’s Advisory Committee is exploring whether to extend a 1-yr. “cooling-off” period to state regulators before they serve on the RTO’s Board of Directors.
MISO Offers Reassurances on FTRs, Examines Changes
The growing fallout stemming from GreenHat Energy’s record default in PJM’s financial transmission rights market prompted MISO officials to reassure members that a similar situation is unlikely to unfold in MISO.

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