MISO Advisory Committee (AC)
MISO’s Advisory Committee is exploring whether to extend a 1-yr. “cooling-off” period to state regulators before they serve on the RTO’s Board of Directors.
The growing fallout stemming from GreenHat Energy’s record default in PJM’s financial transmission rights market prompted MISO officials to reassure members that a similar situation is unlikely to unfold in MISO.
MISO’s Advisory Committee is deliberating whether state regulators elected to the RTO’s Board of Directors should be subject to the same “cooling-off” period required for industry executives.
Several MISO stakeholders are criticizing Tariff filings the RTO plans to make by the end of the year to free up an additional 5 to 10 GW of capacity.
MISO stakeholders said impact to customers and solid business cases should factor prominently in any new regional transmission package.
MISO’s Advisory Committee appeared split over whether the RTO should assume greater authority in granting planned outages.
MISO Advisory Committee members discussed how to ensure sufficient energy supply at the RTO’s Board Week.
A new rule change will prevent MISO participants from simultaneously running for chair and vice chair of a stakeholder group.
MISO Advisory Committee members criticized the RTO’s plan to revamp load forecasting using projections from load-serving entities.
MISO sector representatives expressed uncertainty about the future of the grid, cautiously offering their predictions and suggestions.
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