MISO Advisory Committee (AC)
The MISO forward capacity auction proposal and the broader issue of resource adequacy were the “hot topic” at last week’s Advisory Committee discussion.
MISO Steering Committee members are asking if there is a need formalize the creation and retirement of task teams following the RASC’s contentious July decision to retire the Competitive Retail Solution Task Team.
MISO told its Advisory Committee that they've narrowed candidates for the Board of Directors to six, while the Resource Adequacy Subcommittee is seeking the approval of just two priorities for the year.
MISO closed its request for proposals on the Duff-Coleman 345-kV transmission project in Southern Indiana on July 6, reviewing "robust" number of proposals.
MISO and its Independent Market Monitor have reconciled their differences and reached a compromise on the RTO's capacity market design.
At the 2016 Annual Meeting, the leadership of the MISO Advisory Committee asked for the committee's 2016 priorities to be extended into 2017.
The MISO Advisory Committee retired the Stakeholder Governance Working Group after the group concluded modifications on the governance guide.
The MISO Advisory Committee has narrowed down the list of topics for the first version of its 2016 priorities document.
MISO stakeholders say they do not expect perfect procedures at the seams with neighboring balancing areas, but they do want the RTO to implement reforms.
The MISO Advisory Committee last week discussed the Stakeholder Governance Working Group, its priorities for 2016 and adding extra seats to the Nominating Committee.
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