MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)

COVID-19 Transforming MISO Load, Outage Schedules
The MISO footprint sank deeper into the COVID-19 twilight zone in early April, with demand flattening further and some maintenance outages frozen.
MISO Exploring Emergency Pricing, Forward Market
MISO is looking into a forward market mechanism and improvements to its scarcity and emergency pricing under its resource availability and need project.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: March 5, 2020
MISO might revise and refile a failed proposal designed to set penalties for non-capacity resources that exercise market power through physical withholding.
MISO Foresees ‘Typical’ Spring
MISO predicts energy usage this spring will peak at 100 GW in May, with about 134 GW of total capacity available.
MISO Begins Software Build on Short-term Reserves
MISO has begun developing the software to create a 30-minute reserve product for use in late 2021.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Jan. 8, 2020
MISO will revisit a Tariff to define how aggregators of retail customers participate as demand resources as aggregators line up for market participation.
MISO Market Subcommittee Briefs: Dec. 3, 2019
MISO is moving ahead with a proposal to bring solar generation into market dispatch, reusing many rules that brought dispatchable wind generation.
Testing Looms for MISO Cloud-Based Market Platform
Three years into the project to replace its market platform, MISO is now set to begin moving information to its new private cloud to begin testing.
MISO to Work on Monitor’s 2018 Recommendations
MISO officials said they agree with almost all the recommendations outlined by the Independent Market Monitor in this year’s State of the Market report.
MISO Looks Beyond FTRs for Market Protections
MISO is proposing Tariff changes that require a market participant to put up additional collateral when it exhibits undue risk to the wholesale market.

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