MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)
MISO is hoping to avoid the need for a 6th straight waiver of its $1,000/MWh offer cap this winter, filing a year ahead of a FERC deadline.
MISO is planning a spring filing with FERC to implement a payment structure for resources that re-energize islanded areas of the grid following a blackout.
MISO doesn’t expect any challenges meeting demand this fall, announcing that its supply should outpace its relatively tame probable load by about 36 GW.
A surge in generation interconnection requests has MISO proposing to require all new solar to register as dispatchable intermittent resources.
MISO and its Monitor are making several changes to market mitigation procedures — most of which will increase the IMM’s authority to mitigate and penalize.
MISO’s Independent Market Monitor has a different opinion of the RTO’s summer supply picture three weeks into the season.
MISO will file with FERC in mid-August a proposal to create a short-term reserve product, staff told the Market Subcommittee.
MISO said it will combine several data sets to create a new and comprehensive multiday operating margin forecast.
MISO proposed a set of changes to buttress its FTR market and said it will convene a new task team to work out the details of the fledging proposal.
MISO says the new process to better contain flows on its North-South settlement transmission path is working as intended.
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