MISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)

MISO Requests Storage Compliance Delay into 2021
MISO plans to have a market participation model for energy storage resources in place by 2021, having filed a request for delay of FERC’s deadline.
MISO Prototyping Short-term Reserve Product
MISO will prototype its proposed short-term reserve product to demonstrate cost and benefits to its members.
MISO Expects ‘Modest’ Spring Risk
MISO foresees a “modest probability” it will declare a systemwide maximum generation event this spring.
MISO, Stakeholders Debate Merits of Seasonal Auction
MISO revived the idea of implementing a seasonal capacity auction as part of its multipronged resource availability and need initiative, but promised to gather more data before defining long-term solutions.
Stakeholders Seek Slowdown on MISO RAN Project
Stakeholders are urging MISO to slow downits disjointed resource availability and need effort until it can measure the effects of 3 related FERC filings.
MISO Details ‘Uncertainty’ Behind Winter Max Gen Event
MISO managed its eighth maximum generation event in six years last month despite the difficulty of pulling together the forecast leading up to the episode.
MISO Moves to Examine Long-term Supply Measures
With spring season approaching, MISO is encouraging stakeholders to offer ideas to address the growing divide between resource availability and need.
New MISO Platform Headed to the Cloud
MISO’s ongoing market system replacement will focus on moving the platform to the cloud and creating a single means of submitting modeling data.
MISO Prepping for Growth in Dynamic Line Ratings
MISO is considering how to respond to transmission owners’ adoption of dynamic line ratings, acknowledging changes would be necessary with widespread use.
MISO Concurs with Monitor Ideas, Pledges More Study
MISO officials say they will follow through on most recommendations in its Independent Market Monitor’s 2017 State of the Market report.

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