MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)

Pattern Energy
MISO to Loosen Some Interconnection Requirements
MISO plans to alter some interconnection rules so that generation owners can more easily replace generation at the same point of interconnection.
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MISO Planning Subcommittee Briefs: Feb. 8, 2022
MISO's Feb. 8 Planning Subcommittee meeting introduced a new task team dedicated to transmission reconfigurations.
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MISO Tx Expansion Plans Proceeds to Board Vote
MISO's 339-project, $3.04 billion MTEP 21 is headed for approvals from the MISO Board of Directors. 
MISO Targets March Approval for Long-term Tx Projects
MISO acknowledged this week that a December approval for its first long-range transmission projects is out of reach and must wait until early spring.
DTE Energy
Shorter Interconnection Queue Coming, MISO Says
MISO will make a fourth-quarter filing to slim its interconnection queue timeline from about 505 days to a single year.
Modeling Hitches Delay MISO Long-range Tx Work
MISO said it will pause its long-range transmission modeling and correct errors so it has the clearest picture of future grid performance.
MISO Reveals Contentious Long-range Tx Project Map
MISO unveiled a first look at possible long-range transmission projects, igniting testy exchanges between stakeholders over the necessity of grid expansion.
MISO Fostering Alternatives to MTEP Projects
MISO is seeking ways to modify its annual transmission plan and make it easier for stakeholders to suggest alternatives to TOs’ project proposals.
Long-term Tx Plan Edges Out MISO GI Coordination
MISO announced it will table the effort to analyze network upgrades and wait until the end of the year to see how its long-term transmission plan develops.
MISO Recaps 4 Years of Renewable Study
A study finds that MISO can reliably operate with a fuel mix heavy on renewables, but only if its members dramatically expand transmission.

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