MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC)

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MISO Stresses DR Capacity as Emergencies Accumulate
MISO staff have characterized LMR use as accessing the capacity that members make available to them, de-emphasizing emergency protocols.
Pattern Energy
MISO Warns of Extreme Future Ramp Needs After April Event
MISO staff said the footprint is in for more extreme ramping events after a late April drop in wind output. 
MISO Preps for Dynamic Line Ratings
MISO has developed a rough idea of how it might manage dynamic transmission line ratings should FERC begin to require them. 
MISO Begins Cold Snap Examination
MISO is still collecting data and reviewing the actions it took during a massive cold spell that gripped most of the U.S. in mid-February.
Laura Pricing Has MISO Stakeholders Scratching Heads
A briefing by MISO staff on the record uplift in the RTO’s energy market caused by Hurricane Laura left stakeholders with more questions than answers.
MISO Keeps Advisories in Effect a Week After Laura
MISO staff continue to keep advisories in effect and compile data on the emergency and subsequent rolling blackouts caused by Hurricane Laura.
Max Gen Event Managed Efficiently, MISO Says
MISO said it quickly regained control during its first maximum generation emergency July 7 during a lasting heatwave.
MISO Deepens Insights into Pandemic Impact
MISO is gradually improving its ability to forecast load in the face of widespread community measures to halt the COVID-19 pandemic.
January Proves No Trouble for MISO
A mild winter across the Midwest footprint made for an easy January for MISO operators, stakeholders heard at the Reliability Subcommittee meeting.
MISO Group to Probe LMR Saturation
MISO’s Reliability Subcommittee will next year examine whether the RTO’s footprint is suffering from an excess of load-modifying resources.

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