The New York Independent System Operator Inc., a not-for-profit regional transmission owner, is responsible for operating New York's bulk electrical grid, administering the state's wholesale electricity markets, maintaining grid stability, and ensuring the reliability and planning of the state's bulk energy system.
Clean Path New York
NYPA Files Petition with New York PSC to Save Clean Path Project
The New York Power Authority has filed a petition with the Public Service Commission asking it to designate Clean Path NY as a Priority Transmission Project under the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act.
NYISO’s Busy 2025 Begins
NYISO’s early 2025 will likely be dominated by the Reliability Needs Assessment process again, but the year will also bring other issues.
Winter of NYISO Stakeholders’ Discontent over ‘Complete’ Projects
Two initiatives that have bedeviled discussion at NYISO committees in the last few weeks of the year reared their heads again at the final Budget Priorities Working Group meeting of the year 
South Fork Wind
NYISO MC Approves Dynamic Reserves, Regulation Multiplier Proposals
During its last meeting of the year, the NYISO Management Committee approved two proposals that would institute a new design for the reserve market and alter a calculation used in the regulation service market. 
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Stakeholders Turn down NYISO Reserve Performance Penalties
The NYISO Business Issues Committee tabled a proposal to levy financial penalties against consistently underperforming generators in the reserve market.
NYISO Energy Costs up in Q3 2024
The Market Monitoring Unit said that even though all-in prices were slightly down, NYISO energy costs generally were up by 4 to 26% in most areas.
Stakeholders Skeptical of NYISO Performance Penalty Proposal
NYISO stakeholders expressed skepticism of an ISO proposal to levy financial penalties against underperforming generators, saying it was not developed enough to be voted upon by the end of the year. 
NYISO Publishes Final RNA Showing Reliability Need for NYC
NYISO published the final, approved version of the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment, which identifies a reliability need in New York City beginning in 2033.
NYISO Board Approves RNA, 2025 Budget
The NYISO Board of Directors announced that it approved the ISO’s 2025 budget and incentive goals, along with the 2025-2029 Demand Curve Reset and the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment.
Large Consumers Vent Frustrations with NYISO’s Proposed SCR Changes
Stakeholders representing large electricity consumers say they believe NYISO’s proposed changes to the special case resource program will cause a mass exodus of participants.

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