NYISO Business Issues Committee

NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: Aug. 9, 2017
NYISO’s Business Issues Committee approved steps intended to improve the efficiency of the interconnection queue process while maintaining needed reliability evaluations.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs: July 24, 2017
NYISO reported that locational-based marginal prices for June averaged $31.76/MWh, nearly unchanged from May.
Gas Price Spreads Made NYC Generation More Economic in 2016
Natural gas price spreads between Western and Eastern New York in 2016 led to NYC generation being “more economic than in recent years,” NYISO's MMU said.
NYISO Business Issues Committee Briefs
NYISO presented its Market Operations and Broader Regional Markets reports to the Business Issues Committee.
NYISO Provides Update on Capacity Export Concerns
NYISO updated stakeholders on its response to concerns over capacity exports, providing a status report on modeling revisions.
Renewable Energy Reporting Sparks Privacy Concerns in New York
Market participants in New York are concerned that their proprietary information might not be adequately protected as NYISO plans to bring the RTO’s reporting system for renewable energy generation into compliance with state law.

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