NYISO Management Committee
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey opened the Management Committee meeting with a congratulations on getting through 2024 before looking ahead to the rest of 2025.
During its last meeting of the year, the NYISO Management Committee approved two proposals that would institute a new design for the reserve market and alter a calculation used in the regulation service market.
The NYISO Board of Directors announced that it approved the ISO’s 2025 budget and incentive goals, along with the 2025-2029 Demand Curve Reset and the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment.
The NYISO Management Committee passed the draft Reliability Needs Assessment and recommended that the Board of Directors approve it at its next meeting.
The proposed NYISO 2025 budget for projects would be about $42.1 million. More than half of that would be spent on labor and professional services to execute projects.
Emily Chen, an analyst with FERC’s Office of Energy Market Regulation, gave a briefing on Orders 1920 and 1977 to members of the NYISO Management Committee during a joint meeting with the ISO’s Board of Directors.
Stakeholders scolded NYISO for using the wrong figure in a press release on its summer capacity assessment, saying it suggested capacity margins would be tighter this summer than expected.
The NYISO Management Committee approved tariff revisions for co-located storage resources and capacity accreditation models, reviewed annual satisfaction survey results, and received updates on board compensation and Order 2023.
NYISO CEO Rich Dewey highlighted efficiency improvements and the challenges of the continued electrification at the Jan. 31 MC meeting.
NYISO stakeholders gave final approval to rules for "internal controllable lines" and revisions to day-ahead market congestion settlement procedures.
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