September 28, 2024

NYISO Management Committee

NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Sept. 26, 2018
NYISO experienced six days with peak loads of more than 31,000 MW this summer, compared with last summer’s actual peak of 29,677 MW.
Exponential Engineering
NYISO Stakeholders OK Change on Reliability Margins
The NYISO Management Committee agreed to relax its minimum 20-MW constraint reliability margin value to price transmission constraints on 115-kV facilities.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: July 25, 2018
NYISO experienced a peak load of 31,293 MW on July 2, the highest demand so far this summer but falling far short of the all-time peak of 33,956 MW.
Potomac Economics
NYISO MC Supports AC Transmission Projects
NYISO stakeholders again backed joint proposals by North America Transmission (NAT) and NYPA to build two 345-kV transmission projects.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: June 12, 2018
NYISO Vice President of Operations Wes Yeomans told the Management Committee the ISO is prepared to meet peak demand this summer.
Potomac Economics
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: May 30, 2018
NYISO stakeholders are being asked to weigh in on how effectively the external Market Monitoring Unit is performing its duties before the ISO considers whether to renew its contract.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: March 28,2018
The NYISO Management Committee approved Tariff revisions intended to provide external resources with Rest of State deliverability rights.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Feb. 28, 2018
NYISO’s Management Committee approved proposed rule revisions that would allocate day-ahead market congestion rent shortfalls and surpluses.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs; Jan. 31, 2018
Soaring natural gas prices, customer satisfaction and credit requirements were all on the agenda during a meeting of NYISO’s Management Committee.
NYISO Management Committee Briefs: Oct. 25, 2017
The NYISO Management Committee approved proposed Tariff changes to define the role of inverter-based energy storage in providing synchronized reserves.

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