PJM Board of Managers
PJM saw interconnection requests for solar more than triple since 2019, comprising more than half the interconnection queue, according to the 2021 RTEP report.
PJM announced that it’s delaying the return to campus for employees and stakeholders because of the rise in COVID-19 cases.
PJM stakeholders elected a new board member and vice chair of the Members Committee during a special meeting on Wednesday.
The PJM Board of Managers have approved the RTO’s proposed replacement for the extended minimum offer price rule, sending it to FERC.
The PJM Nominating Committee has selected David Mills of Eaglecap Energy Consulting to fill the open position on the RTO’s Board of Managers.
PJM stakeholders voted overwhelmingly in support of the RTO’s proposal to eliminate a capacity market rule that undermined state decarbonization efforts.
CAISO and the EIM Governing Body approved changes to the EIM’s governance structure involving the selection of body members and stakeholder engagement.
The PJM Board of Managers selected international finance executive Mark Takahashi as its new chair, replacing outgoing Chair Ake Almgren.
PJM stakeholders elected two new members to the Board of Managers and re-elected a third at the annual Meeting of Members.
Neil Smith, the former CEO of generation developer InterGen, has resigned from the PJM Board of Managers.
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