As the U.S. offshore wind industry prepares to put steel in the water, it is paying increasing attention to how it will deliver its power to load centers.
The Connecticut legislature passed three bills related to clean transportation, zero-carbon electricity and solar generation caps.
An investigation of Connecticut’s natural gas system expansion strategy found that the plan does not align with the state’s climate and energy goals.
Massachusetts broke from NESCOE's stance on the elimination of ISO-NE's MOPR, saying the rule should be disposed of as soon as possible, without any delay.
The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority heard from ConnDOT for an investigation of integration of medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicles.
Conn. regulators held a listening session to gain insight on hydrogen opportunities, including an H2Hub collaboration, for the state’s energy strategy update.
Opponents of a bill to allow direct sales by EV manufacturers in Connecticut say it would create two sets of rules for competitors in the same market.
Connecticut legislators took comments on a priority bill that would prevent condo and apartment owners from restricting access to EV chargers.
Connecticut officials are accepting comments on the scope of the state’s Comprehensive Energy Strategy update through March 3.
State officials say they are both excited and intimidated by the amount of clean energy funding coming through the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
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