
Clock Ticking on Exelon Illinois Nukes Under MOPR
Exelon said its Illinois nuclear plants are “up against a clock,” with the legislature unable to meet to consider withdrawing from PJM’s capacity market.
PJM Monitor Defends FRR Analyses in MOPR Debate
PJM’s Monitor defended a conclusion that ratepayers are likely to see cost increases in jurisdictions that exit the capacity market and adopt the FRR option.
‘NextGrid’ Goes off the Rails
The Illinois Commerce Commission’s “NextGrid: Illinois’ Utility of the Future” study, which began with grand hopes years ago, ended with barely a whimper.
Exelon Challenges PJM Monitor’s ComEd FRR Analysis
Exelon said a report from PJM's Monitor uses assumptions to cast a negative light on the FRR alternative members may pursue in the face of an expanded MOPR.
PJM: Carbon Pricing the Answer to Subsidy Dispute
A PJM official urged officials to embrace carbon pricing rather than exit the capacity market in response to FERC expanding the minimum offer price rule.
Exelon Pledges Reforms amid Grand Jury Probe
Exelon is cooperating with an investigation into its lobbying of the Illinois legislature and will ensure high ethical standards in the future.
Exelon: Market Flaws Threaten Ill. Carbon Policy
Exelon officials told investors that Illinois’ transition toward 100% carbon-free power can’t succeed without PJM market reforms.
Supreme Court Won’t Hear ZEC Challenges
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear challenges to Illinois’ and New York’s nuclear subsidies, leaving standing appellate court rulings.
Courts Misread Hughes on Nuke Subsidies, Supreme Court Told
Merchant generators’ Hail Mary pass for a U.S. Supreme Court review of Illinois and New York nuclear subsidies has won support from PJM’s Independent Market Monitor and others.
EPSA Asks Supreme Court to Review ZEC Rulings
Several power producers joined the Electric Power Supply Association in petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to review appellate court rulings upholding the New York and Illinois zero-emission credit programs.

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