New Jersey
The state's Board of Public Utilities approved an additional expenses for the state’s $1.07 billion transmission project to connect offshore wind farms to the grid.
Public financial support for New Jersey’s offshore wind projects has come under scrutiny as Ørsted seeks to obtain access to federal tax credits.
A bill to require that only clean electricity be sold in New Jersey by 2035 has stalled over concerns from environmentalists, labor groups and solar developers.
New Jersey’s Board of Public Utilities pulled an agenda item modifying the state’s offshore transmission project after a Division of Rate Counsel complaint.
Mammal experts told a New Jersey legislative committee they've found no evidence recent whale deaths are related to offshore wind project testing.
New Jersey’s massive $1 billion play to jump start a new energy industry based on harnessing wind power is proceeding apace on the banks of the Delaware River.
The New Jersey Senate approved two new commissioners to the state Board of Public Utilities, bringing the five-member board to full strength.
BOEM concluded that Ocean Wind 1 combined with other projects will have a “major” impact on scenic and visual factors and on scientific research.
New Jersey's largest offshore wind farm would have a “major” effect on fisheries and "visual resources,” but only a moderate impact in other areas, BOEM found.
The New Jersey Turnpike Authority agreed to put 260 chargers on the state’s main arteries, as environmental groups urged the state to adopt clean car rules.
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