September 29, 2024

North Carolina

NC Bill Would Provide Funds for Climate Resilience
Three Democratic North Carolina senators introduced SB509, which aims to pour $4 million into community microgrids and other local resilience projects.
NC Net-zero Goals Could Hinge on Duke IRPs
The North Carolina Utilities Commission is considering Duke Energy's integrated resource plan in a series of six hearings over the next two months.
NC Microgrids Improving Grid Reliability and Resilience
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are outdistancing the state’s investor-owned utilities in microgrid deployment.
Gas Industry Brings Fight Against Building Electrification to NC
North Carolina has joined a national debate over efforts by the natural gas industry to forestall such changes via laws ensuring “consumer energy choice.”
NC Looks at Holistic Approach to Planning
The North Carolina Utilities Commission examined how generation and distribution planning in the state are going to become more holistic and integrated.
Report: Offshore Wind Poised to Boom in North Carolina
A new report released by North Carolina Department of Commerce maps out how the state can become an offshore wind manufacturing hub.
Virginia Takes $43.6M in its 1st RGGI Auction
Virginia sold $43.6 million in carbon dioxide allowances in its first RGGI auction since joining the cap-and-invest program in January.
EV Market Gaining Momentum in North Carolina
Electric vehicle sales in North Carolina grew by 5% in 2020 while nationwide sales dropped 3% during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Report: Southeastern US Straggling in Energy Efficiency
Utility disregard and an absence of state policy is holding back energy efficiency in the Southeast, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said.
Md., NC, Va. to Team up on Offshore Wind
Maryland, North Carolina and Virginia will collaborate to promote their states as a hub for the offshore wind (OSW) industry.

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