A North Carolina environmental panel approved a plan to join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative while GOP legislators in Pennsylvania sought to block such a move.
The Pennsylvania DEP published a rulemaking requiring fossil fuel generators to obtain emission allowances under the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative.
MACRUC announced that its 26th annual Education Conference will take place June 27-30 at the Nemacolin Woodlands Resort in Pennsylvania.
A new report released by the Pennsylvania DEP encourages the state to significantly increase its energy storage capacity and pair it with solar energy.
Plans are in place to build a green hydrogen production plant in Pennsylvania that the developers say will be one of the first of its kind in North America.
Pennsylvania will take a leap in its renewable energy procurement in what officials describe as the largest solar commitment by any state.
Virginia sold $43.6 million in carbon dioxide allowances in its first RGGI auction since joining the cap-and-invest program in January.
Pennsylvania is making a push to promote the purchase and driving of electric vehicles through new regulations, grants and promotional programs.
The Biden administration aims to support the work states are doing to eliminate harmful emissions, White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy said.
COVID-19 was the defining problem of 2020 as PJM worked to overcome difficulties in coordinating deliberations on a host of issues, including the MOPR.
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